EarthPro insectFuel on sekoitus kuivattuja kasveja, hedelmiä, täyden speksin karotenoideja, vitamiineja ja kivennäisaineita. Sisältää mehiläisen siitepölyä.
Voidaan tarjota märkänä tai kuivana ruokahyönteisille.
EarthPro-InsectFuel is a blend of dried plants, fruits, full spectrum carotenoids, vitamins and minerals to accurately feed and nourish livefoods and pet insects. It contains no bran and as such no Phytic acid, a Calcium inhibitor and chelator. InsectFuel is a potent and balanced Bee Pollen rich source of nutrition for live insects.
Always keep your feeder insects in a well-ventilated tub with food and water. Insects benefit from a heat lamp and are better able to take up nutrients from food. Arcadia Reptile InsectFuel can be mixed with warm water and allowed to cool to form a paste. This is great for nourishing and hydrating your feeder insects simultaneously without causing spillages.
Alternatively, you can feed it dry as long as you provide a separate source of hydration. Feeder insects can be kept hydrated by placing pieces of vegetables such as carrots or potatoes. Alternatively, you can place some cotton wool in a bowl and keep it damp. This is a better alternative to using a dish of water, as it can easily tip over and spill water around your insects, which can kill them.
Alfalfa Meal (UK), Calcium Carbonate, Carrot Powder, Protein Powder, Spinach Powder, Mineral Clay, Dextrose, Carotenoid, Papaya Powder, Bee Pollen.
Crude Protein | 16% |
Crude Fats & Oils | 4% |
Crude Fibre | 19% |
Moisture | <8% |